A dental crown, or cap, is a tooth-shaped “cap” placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. The crown is cemented into place over the visible portion of the tooth.

    At Pro-Dental Care, we offer dental crowns made of various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, resin, or gold. Dental crowns can be used for various purposes. They are often used to protect a weak tooth from breaking, restore a broken tooth, replace a missing tooth by being attached to a dental implant, hold a dental bridge in place, cover a discolored or misshapen tooth, or cover a tooth with a large filling. 

    The Procedure for Dental Crowns

    The process of getting a dental crown typically takes two appointments to complete. During the first appointment, our dentist in Cave Creek, AZ, will take X-rays of the tooth and surrounding teeth. Your dentist will then file down the tooth to make room for the crown. An impression will then be taken and sent to the lab, where the crown will be made. At the second appointment, the dentist will cement the crown into place. 

    A crown can last five to fifteen years if cared for properly. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice daily, flossing daily, and seeing your dentist for regular cleanings and exams is essential. It is also important to avoid chewing on hard objects like ice or pens, as this can damage your crown. 

    The Benefits of Dental Crowns

    Protect Your Tooth from Further Damage

    When your tooth is damaged, it’s vulnerable to further damage. A crown can help protect it from decay, infection, and breakage. By covering the entire tooth, a crown prevents bacteria from getting inside and causing more problems. It also provides extra support and stability for the tooth, which can help prevent it from breaking further. 

    Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

    A broken or damaged tooth can make you feel self-conscious about your smile. A dental crown in Cave Creek, AZ, can improve the appearance of your teeth by covering up any discoloration or imperfections. It can also make your teeth look straighter and more even. 

    Restore Your Bite

    When you have a missing or broken tooth, it can be difficult to chew properly. This can lead to problems with your bite and even pain in your jaw. A dental crown can restore your ability to chew normally again, making eating and speaking easier. 

    Prevent Tooth Loss 

    If left untreated, a broken tooth can lead to tooth loss. A dental crown can prevent this from happening by providing support to the tooth and preventing it from falling out. 

    If you're dealing with a damaged or weakened tooth, dental crowns can be the solution to restore its strength, function, and appearance. Get in touch with Pro-Dental Care at 28260 N Tatum Blvd Suite A2, Cave Creek, AZ 85331, or call (480) 515-1464 to explore how dental crowns can improve oral health and confidence.


    28260 N Tatum Blvd Suite. A2,
    Cave Creek, AZ 85331